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Looking after your lungs in hot weather

People with respiratory disease should be particularly vigilant in hot weather as the heat may aggravate existing conditions.

Below are some tips to help you keep cool:

1. Avoid going outside during the hottest times of day 12-2pm

2. Avoid excessive physical activity, or do it in the cooler ends of the day.

3. Keep the windows closed while the room is cooler than it is outside. If safe, open windows at night when the air is cooler.

4. Have cool baths or showers, and splash yourself with cool water.

5. Drink water or fruit juice regularly (avoid alcohol, tea or coffee).

6. Wear loose, cool clothing and a hat if you go outdoors and remember to take any medication that you might need with you.

7. Avoid areas of high pollution – sunlight can react with pollutants to form especially harmful substances such as ozone and oxides of nitrogen

8. You can check pollution levels in your area by ringing 0800 556677 (for free) or visit

9. Make sure you drink plenty of water

10. If you suffer from hay fever during the summer months you can check the pollen count

If you are worried, please call the British Lung Foundation's helpline on 08458 50 50 20.

For press enquiries please call 0207 688 5564 or 0207 688 5588.