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New BLF Helpline number

British Lung Foundation launches more accessible Helpline service

New helpline number 03000 030 555

We’ve changed our Helpline number to make calling cheaper. The new number is 03000 030 555. The cost of calling is now guaranteed to be included in your call package, or will cost the same as calling a landline, including from mobiles.

Today the British Lung Foundation (BLF) launches a new, low cost number for their Helpline service which makes it more accessible to the eight million people in the UK affected by lung disease.

The cost of ringing the Helpline is now guaranteed to be included in all call packages, meaning many people will be able to phone for free and everyone else will pay a landline rate, including from mobiles.

Since opening in March 2005, the Helpline has supported more than 32,000 people, making the service often invaluable to those confined to their home, either by their lung condition or their care responsibilities. Callers receive advice and support on the physical and emotional impact of lung disease along with advice on welfare benefits including disability and heating.

Mark Pilling, Advice Service Manager, said:

“The costs of keeping the home warm, having a healthy diet, increased transport costs and prescription charges all add to the worry of living with a lung condition.

“By changing to the 03000 number, we’re making a small difference to people’s pockets and hope that even more people will be encouraged to use this support service.”

The new number, effective from 6th March is 03000 030 555. You can also reach the Helpline on .


1. Why have we changed our number?

As part of our drive to be more accessible to the most vulnerable, sick and elderly people we aim to support, we have committed to moving to different number which is cheaper to call. The previous 0845 number was a local call rate from some landlines but call costs varied considerably from mobiles and other landline providers.

2. What is a 0300 number?
  • 0300 numbers work in exactly the same way as other non-geographic numbers (e.g. 0845 numbers), except they are cheaper to call, even from mobiles. With an 0300 number you know the call will be as cheap as it can be from a mobile; usually much cheaper than calling an 0800.
  • 03 phone numbers meet the strong and growing public demand to have a recognisable phone number, which both identifies the type of organisation being called and offers a clearly priced call. 030 numbers are exclusively reserved for non-profit organisations.
3. What will it cost to call the new 0300 number?
  • The same cost as a normal call. Whatever tariff you’re on the cost of an 0300 number is the same as calling a normal phone number.
  • If your calls are free/included in a package, it’s free. So if you’ve got free inclusive calls, then calling 0300 won’t cost you. E.g. If you’re on BT’s free evening calls package then call 0300 in the evening and the call is free; but if you pay for a call in the day, you’ll pay for an 0300 (the same rate as a 01 or 02 call) during the day.
  • This works on mobiles too. If you’ve inclusive minutes on your mobile the 0300 number will be included in that.
4. Why aren’t we moving to a 0800 free phone number?
  • The 0800 number is only free from some landline providers, and is not included in the majority of mobile packages
  • These days calls from mobiles are more common, and a growing number of those on low incomes or transient residence only have mobiles not landlines. Yet if you call a traditional ‘freephone’ 0800 number on your mobile, it ISN’T free, and in fact it can cost upwards of 10p/minute on some tariffs.
5. What has happened to the 0845 number?
  • Don’t worry if you or your Breathe Easy group members still have the old number on materials you use. We will be keeping the old number running alongside the new one for the time being as there will still be a lot of information leaflets and materials in the public domain using that number. As we reprint materials, we will include the new number on these.
  • We will monitor which number people call, and where they got the number from to ensure that we keep the 0845 number as long as is needed. This means that BE groups and Health Care Professionals can be confident that they do not need to replace all their materials immediately.
6. What did you say the new number is?

03000 030 555

For more information on the Helpline and the services provided, visit the Helpline section or email .