The British Lung Foundation is there for everyone affected by any lung condition. This means partners, spouse, children, parents, siblings and friends of people who are living with a lung condition.
People are affected by lung disease in different ways. For some, it means being reliant on others for doing everyday activities, like going to the shops or attending appointments. Whereas others may need help on the days they feel particularly unwell, where even washing, dressing and eating are a struggle.
Being there for a person living with a lung condition may mean giving time and energy, emotional and financial support to enable our loved one to get on with their life.
“I have looked after my husband with Emphysema since his diagnosis 10 years ago. It’s when you realise how much you do, that you realise you’re a carer. Now, with a yearly carers’ assessment and some respite, I am able to continue caring for my husband while getting the support I need.”
'Anne', wife and carer.