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The BLF produces publications on a broad range of topics, including how your lungs work, how they can be affected by different lung diseases, and living with a lung condition.

Information published in our printed publications is also published on our website - see You and your lungs.

How to order

Publications can be ordered via our online shop - you can either visit and browse through the publications section or look through the list of publications at the bottom of this page.

Most of our publications are provided free of charge. We do have significant print and distribution costs, however, so it would help us greatly if you could make a donation when get to the 'shopping cart' section on the website. Orders are dispatched within two working days, but please allow ten days overall for delivery.

Our publications are written and reviewed by healthcare and other professionals and by people affected by lung disease. They are medically

reviewed at least once every two years. Unfortunately, please note we are unable to send publications to addresses outside the UK.

Publications list

Click on the publication(s) you require - you will be taken to the relevant page on our commerce website:

Health information leaflets
Air pollution and the lungs
Brochiolitis and your baby
Exercise and the lungs
Healthy eating and the lungs
Lung cancer
Obstructive sleep apnoea
Occupational lung disease
Oxygen treatment
Pleural plaques
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Sex and Breathlessness
Smoking and your lungs
Steroids and your lungs
The way the lungs work
Your home and your lungs (a guide to indoor air pollution)

Translated Leaflets
COPD - Bengali
COPD - Gujarati
COPD - Hindi
COPD - Punjabi
COPD - Turkish
COPD - Urdu
Tuberculosis - Bengali
Tuberculosis - Gujarati
Tuberculosis - Hindi
Tuberculosis - Punjabi
Tuberculosis - Turkish
Tuberculosis - Urdu

Bilingual English/Welsh Leaflets
About the British Lung Foundation

About the BLF
About the British Lung Foundation
Joining the British Lung Foundation
Penpals - connecting people affected by lung disease
Welcome to Breathe Easy - the support network of the BLF

Health Information Booklets
Adult asthma
Asthma in children
Breathing tests
Children's lung conditions
COPD - diagnosis and treatment
COPD - Living with COPD
Complementary therapies
Coping with the final stages of chronic lung disease
Dealing with anxiety
Dealing with depression
From hospital to home - a guide to being discharged
Going on holiday with a lung condition
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (fibrosis alveolitis)
Lung cancer
Mesothelioma care - what to expect from your local NHS (not applicable for Scotland)
Occupational lung disease
Stopping smoking

Information sheets

Our information sheets are no longer available to order in printed format. You can read each information sheet by clicking on the links below - each page has a pdf which you can download and print from yourself.

Air Travel
Alpha-1 anti-trypsin deficicency
Aspergillus and the lung
Welfare benefits for people living with a lung condition
Bird Flu
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis
Get the best from your doctor
Legionnaire's disease
Lung transplantation
Lung volume reduction surgery
Non-invasive ventilation (NIV)
Pulmonary embolism
Pulmonary hypertension
Travel insurance

Other publications and posters
BLF Helpline cards
BLF Helpline poster
Invisible lives - COPD, finding the missing millions
Petition cards
Ready for Home?

Health professional bulk publications orders
Order all health information leaflets
Order all health information booklets
Order all information sheets

If you have any queries about an order you have placed, please contact us.

BLF Helpline