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Supporting you

If you, or someone you know or care about, are affected by a lung disease, it can be very difficult. Life can change quite dramatically. People can feel scared, confused, and isolated. The British Lung Foundation aims to support everyone affected by lung disease through the individual challenges they will face.

We offer advice and support in the following ways:

Helpline Advice Service
Helpline Advice Service
The BLF Helpline Advice Service 08458 50 50 20 is open from 10am to 6pm, Monday to Friday
The BLF publishes a range of information about lung disease and respiratory health.
Breathe Easy
Breathe Easy
Breathe Easy is the British Lung Foundation support group network. There are over 200 groups throughout the UK offering support and information to anyone affected by lung disease.
Exercise Safely
Exercise Safely
Keeping you fit
Children and parents
Children and parents
The British Lung Foundation supports parents and carers looking after young children with recurring chesty problems. Some have a diagnosed lung condition, others don't - we are here for everyone
The British Lung Foundation’s PenPals scheme puts people affected by lung disease in touch with each other by email or post.
BLF Nurses
BLF Nurses
BLF Nurses provide specialist care in the community for people living with lung disease