The British Lung Foundation's Research Strategy is reviewed annually by the Scientific Committee and implemented following approval by the Board of Trustees. The Strategy guides the Foundation when allocating funds for research.
The latest version of the British Lung Foundation's Research Strategy can be downloaded by clicking here.
BLF research funding - general points for applicants
1. Scientific merit
The research funded must be of the highest standard of scientific excellence, in terms of the quality of the research team, the objectives of the research and the prospects of achieving them. The research must be of unequivocal relevance to the respiratory system and further the understanding of at least one of the following: prevention, diagnosis, alleviation, treatment and/or cure of any chest and/or lung disease.
The research funded may be clinical, laboratory-based, epidemiological and/or qualitative.
The research must have a clearly defined short to medium and/or long term impact on those living with lung disease and other stakeholders.
2. Correlation with the Foundation's charitable objectives
The Scientific Committee of the British Lung Foundation has devised a list of 'Priority Areas' for respiratory research. Therefore, applications for research into these areas are encouraged. However, applications for research into all other areas will also be considered.
To learn more about these priority areas, please download the latest version of the BLF Research Strategy. The British Lung Foundation is aiming to strengthen its presence (through its Breathe Easy support group network and research activities) throughout the UK. Research applications continue to be welcomed from all parts of the UK.
The British Lung Foundation provides relevant information to all people living with lung disease, their carers and other stakeholders. Researchers must therefore provide summaries of their work in language understandable to the general public. Research funded by the British Lung Foundation should provide 'added value', i.e. its results should not only aim to increase the knowledge within a particular research area but it should also benefit other British Lung Foundation stakeholders.
3. Additional points
In the current climate of funding, multiple grant applications from the same applicant are discouraged as it is unlikely more than one will be funded. Similarly, it is unlikely that more than one grant will be awarded to members of the same research team. Applications will therefore be restricted to one per principal investigator.
If, following an application to the British Lung Foundation, a project is funded from a different source, it is the responsibility of the applicant to inform the Foundation of this and withdraw their application to the British Lung Foundation. In view of the danger to health caused by tobacco, individuals applying for, holding or employed under a grant from the tobacco industry will not be supported.
The Foundation will continue to fund research into all lung conditions including asthma, lung cancer and cystic fibrosis and will consider collaborating with other charities that have similar objectives to this end.
The types of research grants made by the British Lung Foundation will be in the form of Project grants, Trevor Clay Memorial grants, Research Fellowships, Chair(s) in Respiratory Medicine and possibly Start-up grants. Other grants available will include Travel Fellowships and a Young Investigator of the Year Award.