The British Lung Foundation funds a broad range of grants. Please find them listed below.
Pulmonary Fibrosis Project Grant 2009
Project grants
Research fellowships
Trevor Clay Memorial Grants
Travel awards
Young investigator
Targeted project grants - Lung Cancer and Lung Disease in Children
Mick Knighton Fund for Mesothelioma Research Award 2009
Research grant available either to medically qualified applicants or to post-doctoral scientists for clinical, laboratory and/or epidemiological research into pulmonary fibrosis. Applications may be for any sum of money up to a maximum of £150,000 and may include the costs of personnel, equipment and consumables where appropriate. Grants are for a specified period of up to three years for research carried out in the United Kingdom.
The closing date for applications is 13 March 2009.
Download the full application form.
Download the accompanying guidelines.
The Project Grant round has been withdrawn for 2009. Applicants who have already made a preliminary application will be contacted directly. To learn more about these changes and why they have been made, please refer to our full statement (click here)
British Lung Foundation Research Fellowships are available to fund respiratory research in a UK research institution. They are available to scientists with a PhD, MD or equivalent. Total support requested should not exceed £120,000 and the period of the grant is normally three years. Should an applicant wish to make an application for part-time funding e.g. in the case of ongoing clinical training, it will be the applicant's responsibility to provide a business case and confirmation of any additional source of funding. The BLF will not fund clinical sessions.
Applications submitted by the closing date are reviewed by the Scientific Committee. Short-listed applicants are invited to submit a full proposal and unsuccessful applicants are notified. Unfortunately we are unable to give any feedback to applicants at this stage. The full applications are sent out to external reviewers who submit confidential reports. The Scientific Committee ranks the short-listed applications following detailed discussion in light of the referee's reports and a selection of applicants are invited to attend an interview before funding decisions are made.
Details of the Trevor Clay memorial Grant scheme will be released in mid-2009.
The British Lung Foundation offers travel awards to the British, European and American Respiratory Society Congresses, ten of which are sponsored by Allen and Hanburys. The travel awards are available for young clinical and non-clinical researchers in the respiratory field. They contribute towards the costs of registration, accommodation and travel to enable young researchers in the respiratory field to attend these important meetings.
These awards contribute towards the costs of registration, accommodation and travel to enable young researchers in the respiratory field to attend these important meetings.
American Thoracic Society
Ten Travel Fellowships worth £750 each are available for young clinical and non-clinical researchers in the respiratory field to attend the American Thoracic Society International Conference in San Diego, 15-20 May 2009. In addition, the British Lung Foundation is administrating two ATS travel fellowships on behalf of the British Paediatric Respiratory Society (BPRS). These awards of £750 each are available to scientists who have been a member of the BPRS for a minimum of 12 months.
Closing date for applications: 20 March 2009.
To download the application form click here
To download the guidelines click here
European Respiratory Society
Travel Fellowships will also be available to attend the ERS Annual Congress in 2009. Application forms will be available in mid 2009.
One award of £800 is being offered by the British Lung Foundation in 2007. A runner-up prize of £200 will also be available. Both prizes are designed to help the careers of the most promising young investigators carrying out original research in respiratory medicine and respiratory science during the past year. A selection committee judges the awards based on abstracts presented at the British Thoracic Society Winter Meeting. More information can be found at the .
In support of "Priorities for Respiratory Research in the UK" published in Thorax January 2007 (Stephen T Holgate on behalf of the UK Respiratory Research Strategy Committee), the British Lung Foundation is inviting preliminary applications for large project grants to be awarded in November 2009. Grants are available for clinical, laboratory and/or epidemiological research into 'Lung Cancer' OR 'Lung Disease in Children'. Applications may be for any sum of money up to a maximum of £240,000 and may include the costs of personnel, equipment and consumables where appropriate. Grants are for a specified period of up to three years for research carried out in the United Kingdom.
Submission deadline for completed preliminary applications: 20 February 2009.
Lung Cancer
Lung Disease in Children
Mick Knighton Project Grant
Research grant available either to medically qualified applicants or to post-doctoral scientists for clinical, laboratory and/or epidemiological research into mesothelioma. Applications can include funding for a PhD studentship, research into palliative care in mesothelioma, research into mesothelioma-related pleural effusions and/or research into the effects of carbon nanotubes. Applications up to a maximum of £100,000.
Innovations in Care Awards
These support practical research, the results of which should be immediately applicable and beneficial to people living with mesothelioma. Applications are welcome from all health care professionals for any sum of money up to £15,000 and may include costs for start-up projects and professional development, including funding for MSc or PhD.
Closing date for all applications: 30 January 2009
Awards will be made in 2009