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BLF welcomes new lung cancer screening pilot
14th February 2011
Following an article in Pulse magazine, the British Lung Foundation welcomes the announcement of the lung cancer screening programme in the UK.
Dame Helena Shovelton, Chief Executive of the British Lung Foundation, said: “Lung cancer is the biggest cancer killer with one person losing their life to the disease every 15 minutes so we are delighted to hear the announcement of this screening pilot. Promising results have already come through from a screening programme trialed in the US, which showed a 20 per cent reduction in lung cancer deaths. In the UK only 7% of men and 9% of women survive over five years but with earlier diagnosis and better screening, more lives could be saved and the financial costs to the NHS reduced.”
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To view the full article please visit the Pulse website.
For further press enquiries please contact on 0207 688 5565 or on 0207 688 5564
Please note the BLF email system will not be working on the afternoon of Friday 18th February. If you would like to speak to a member of the press team please call directly.