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British Lung Foundation appoint new Chair

4 October 2011

The British Lung Foundation today announced the appointment of Peter Dolphin as its new Chair.

Peter Dolphin, a non-executive Director of Marketing Agency Beautiful World and a former CEO Europe at TMP Worldwide & Monster, replaces the outgoing chair Ralph Bernard and will take up his new duties from September onwards. Ralph Bernard is continuing as a trustee.

Dame Helena Shovelton, Chief Executive of the British Lung Foundation welcomed the appointment:

“Peter has been a valuable member of the British Lung Foundation Board and has been chairing BLF Services Ltd for the last five years. I am very pleased that he has agreed to take on the role of Chair. With forty years of commercial experience in the advertising and online industry he brings a wealth of expertise that will help us to continue the growth generated under Ralph’s leadership.”

Responding to his appointment Peter Dolphin said:

“I am delighted to be offered the position of Chair. For too many people lungs are an invisible organ, yet respiratory disease is the second biggest killer in the UK. I’m looking forward to helping this impressive charity step up its fight to imprint lung disease on the nation's consciousness."


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