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Alex Cunningham MP successfully tabled a motion to stop smoking in cars with children

22 June 2011

Supported by the British Lung Foundation (BLF), Alex Cunningham MP has tabled a ten minute rule motion, to change legislation to stop smoking in cars carrying children. The debate took place today directly after Prime Ministers questions. An backing the legislation change has already been signed by 36 MPs across all parties.

The bill won the majority vote, with 78 MPs in favour of the legislation change. It will now receive a second reading on 25 November 2011.

This is the next crucial step in the BLF’s fight to outlaw smoking in cars carrying children. Earlier this year, a petition was delivered to Downing Street with over 16,600 signatures in support of this legislation. This comes after BLF research showed that over half of children across the UK are exposed to cigarette smoke when confined in the car.

The UK is lagging behind United States, Canada and Australia which have already introduced this legislation. Research published in Canada this year has shown that the impact of its awareness programme to stop people smoking when kids were in the car had minimal effect in comparison to the introduction of legislation. The latter prompted a significant reduction in the exposure of children to passive smoke in the car.

In support of the Ten Minute Rule Bill to stop adults smoking when children are in the car, Miranda Watson, Director of Communications at the British Lung Foundation said:

“While adults are now protected from smoking in public places, children have been left exposed to dangerous concentrations of smoke in cars.

“Governments across the world are leading the way with legislation to protect children from cigarette smoke in the car. Parliament needs to support a second reading of this bill to stop British children being neglected.”


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Read about the Children's Charter campaign