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British Lung Foundation Wales


Lost Lives - new BLF lung cancer report reveals the shocking toll

Protect children - ban smoking in cars with kids. 83% support ban - latest poll.

Iomp Cymru walk 65 miles in 24 hours for BLF. Thanks! Diolch!

We work for the 1 in 5 people in Wales who have a lung condition. We do this in different ways.

  • Len (l) and Brian (r) of Swansea Breathe Easy groupSupport people who have a lung disease, and their families and carers
  • Raise awareness of lung disease at both a community and national level
  • Campaign to make lung disease a national priority in Wales
  • Work with other organisations, such as voluntary groups, the NHS, and National Assembly for Wales,to improve services across Wales for people with lung conditions.

Len (l) and Brian (r) - Swansea Breathe Easy group

Len (ch) a Brian - Grwp Breathe Easy Abertawe

Rydyn ni'n gweithio ar ran yr un o bob pump o bobl yng Nghymru sydd gyda chlefyd ysgyfaint. Rydyn ni'n gwneud hynny mewn sawl ffordd:

  • BLF Wales conference lung workout.jpgCynorthwyo'r un o bob pump o bobl yng Nghymru sydd a chlefyd yr ysgyfaint yn ogystal a'u teuluoedd a'u gofalwyr
  • Codi ymwybyddiaeth ynghylch clefyd yr ysgyfaint ar lefel cymunedol a chenedlaethol. Ymgyrchu i wneud clefyd yr ysgyfaint yn flaenoriaeth genedlaethol yng Nghymru
  • Gweithio a grwpiau gwirfoddol eraill, y GIG a Chynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, i wella gwasanaethau ledled Cymru

Cynhadledd BLF - De Cymru. Ymarfer corff mewn cadair (Mwy o luniau)

BLF Confererence - South Wales. Chair-based exercise (more pictures)

News and upcoming events - Newyddion a digwyddiadau sydd i ddod
News and upcoming events - Newyddion a digwyddiadau sydd i ddod
Latest news and information about events taking place in Wales - Y newyddion a’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am ddigwyddiadau a gynhelir yng Nghymru
About BLF Wales - Am BLF Cymru
About BLF Wales - Am BLF Cymru
A bit of background and information about BLF Wales - Rhywfaint o gefndir a gwybodaeth am BLF Cymru
Breathe Easy
Breathe Easy groups in Wales - Grwpiau Breathe Easy yng Nghymru
Breathe Easy is the British Lung Foundation support group network. There are over 200 groups throughout the UK offering support and information to anyone affected by lung disease. Full details of where and when the Wales Breathe Easy groups meet and the types of activities they are involved are available here.
Fundraising and events
Fundraising and events
Help us to make a real difference to the lives of people with lung disease
Campaigning and Lobbying
Campaigning and Lobbying
Working at local and national levels, BLF is campaigning for improvements to services. Click here for more information.
Patient information - Gwybodaeth i gleifion
Patient information - Gwybodaeth i gleifion
We have a wide selection of patient literature available in both English and Welsh.
Wales National Committee - Pwyllgor Cenedlaethol Cymru
Wales National Committee - Pwyllgor Cenedlaethol Cymru
Background and information about the Wales National Committee - Cefndir a gwybodaeth am Bwyllgor Cenedlaethol Cymru
Wales team - Tîm Cymru
Wales team - Tîm Cymru
Meet the Wales team, put names to faces, and find out who does what - Dewch i gyfarfod Tîm Cymru, rhoi enwau i wynebau, a darganfod pwy sy’n gwneud beth
If you would like further information about our work, please contact:
  • British Lung Foundation Wales
    6a Prospect Place
  • Swansea SA1 1QP
  • Tel: 01792 455764
  • Email: